Tennessee Chinese News (TNCNNEWS) started as the ONLY ONE weekly Chinese newspaper in Tennessee, and was with 5,000 initial circulations and a maximum of 11,000 circulations. It covers not only the State of Tennessee including Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Tri-City area, but also the neighboring states such as Arkansas, Kentucky, Alabama and Mississippi. Its regular readers include more than 1,000 Chinese restaurant owners and more than 100,000 Chinese readers. It has now turned itself to a website and wechat based media.
TNCNNEWS does not call for any particular politics, race and religion. However, its morality stands on fairness, justice, peace and love. Our purpose is to widespread the Chinese tradition and culture, to strengthen the connection of the Chinese community, to help Chinese receive the American on-time news, to provide information interaction, to reflect Chinese community’s thoughts and wishes, and to build up a bridge for communication among different groups.
This website covers diversified information. It includes on-time news, interviews on politicians, businessmen/women, and professionals, investment analysis and advice, legal consultation, medical knowledge and case-by-case analysis, entertainment, Chinese social customs, critics and comments.
TNCNNEWS provides both for-profit and non-profit advertisement. What makes us proud of is, based on our on-time survey, 100% of our clients feel satisfied by tremendous response achieved through the advertisement on TNCNNEWS. It not only helps us to build up long-term relationship with existing customer, but also exhibits a remarkable picture to attract our potential customers. It has been proven that TNCNNEWS is an outstanding media to reach into Chinese community.
Here we sincerely welcome any contact to our newspaper. If you any question, please contact Mr. Tanyee at (615)977-8582 or tncnnews@yahoo.com.
田纳西新闻在建报之初一度是是田纳西州唯一的华文周报,总发行量最高超过一万份。本报涵盖的地区包括以纳什维尔, 孟菲斯, 诺克斯维尔,查塔努加以及三城(Tri-City)地区爲主的田纳西州, 以及相邻的阿肯色州, 肯塔基州, 阿拉巴马州和密西西比州等, 涉及的中餐馆超过1,000家, 阅读者超过100,000 人。近年来,田纳西新闻改为以网络及微信平台为主。
本报将不带有任何特殊的种族, 宗教, 政治色彩, 但却以公平, 正义, 和平, 友爱作为严守的道德水准。本报的宗旨在于弘扬中华的传统文化, 拉紧华人社区的密切联系, 帮助华人了解美国的时事新闻, 提供资讯的互动互助, 并为反映华人的意愿提供一个疾呼的窗口, 爲华人各族群建立沟通的桥梁。
本报的内容涉及面广, 不但包括时事报道, 政商界人物专访, 投资理财分析及建议, 法律顾问信箱, 专栏特约作家的事实评析, 以及评说杂谈、作品连载等。刊登的广告不仅包括收费不等的分类广告, 还将包括不收任何费用的公益性广告。
让我们倍感骄傲和欣慰的是,根据即时动态跟踪调查结果,在《田纳西新闻》刊登广告的商家都迅速、及时、有效地获得了预期的广告效果。这不仅增强了现有商家与我们合作的信心,而且对吸引未来的潜在客户提供了有力的证据和说明。我们坚信,我们将会爲广告商家搭建一个最有效、最满意的平台。欢迎各类广告,有意者, 请拨打电话(615)977-8582,或发电子邮件tncnnews@yahoo.com。