2020年人口普查在即   联邦普查局在孟菲斯试水

本报讯  2020年美国人口普查统计在即。11月8日(上周五),在田纳西州谢尔比县的一些学校展开了“每一个人都很重要”的宣传活动。所有到场的参与家庭都活动了有关人口普查的基本情况,活动也通过各种游戏和教室活动的方式鼓励了所有家庭积极认识和参与人口普查。





The U.S. Census Bureau and Shelby County Schools will kick off the 2020 Census Statistics in Schools program nationwide in Memphis, TN at the Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium with 1,000 area students participating in various fun activities centered on being counted in the once-a-decade headcount next March.

A kindergartener counted in the 2020 Census this spring will be starting high school when the next census comes around in 2030: that is 10 years of school supplies, teachers, school lunches, and so much more. Responses to the 2020 Census will shape how more than $675 billion in federal funding is distributed annually to local communities: the equivalent of an entire childhood of resources.

The Everyone Counts Fall Festival will feature guest speaker David Osmond, host of the TV kids’ show Wonderama, and students and teachers engaging in fun learning activities that challenge students to learn more about their communities and the resources they need. These interactive games and challenges are based on the new classroom activities created by teachers for the 2020 Census SIS program. These free activities and resources are available on the SIS website, adding to the more than 100 resources available year round on the site.